Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nuggets or Wine?

So, it's been awhile since I've posted an entry. I guess that's what happens when one goes back to work and life goes out of control for a little while until the universe rights itself again. In the meantime, our family chugs along surviving on more nuggets and pizza nights than I would typically like to allow, albeit, my wine intake also tends to increase, so you know, hey what's worse in the grand scheme of life? More nuggets or more wine? Both in small doses, healthy. Large doses? Lots of sleep and fun phone calls.

Anyway, I have found looking over my last few entries, that most of my musings tend to revolve around my two youngest children and sadly, I have left my oldest out of the realm of the blogoshpere. Though secretly, I will probably save more money in future therapy bills by not including him in these little writings. Once they all grow up and realize what I was really writing about on the computer, I could see those bills starting to add up. I doubt one will enjoy finding out that their mom shared stories about public urination to the entire blogosophere world. However, I only have four followers, so I'm not too worried. By the way, "holla" to Natalie, Shani, Brian and Liz. Thanks for reading:)

Which brings me back to my oldest. One of the perks of working part time is that I am regularly able to volunteer in my oldest son's school classroom. I have found this to be quite the eye opening experience and completely reinforces my decision not to be an elementary school teacher. I have the utmost respect, admiration and sympathy for all of you that have chosen that particular career choice, because I know in the depths of my soul that all of you are better people than I am. You have infinitely more patience, kindness and strength than I could ever possess in dealing with the "little people.'

For example, I signed up to be a "station mom" for my son's Halloween activity day. I was very excited to help out and happily accepted the post of creating smiley faced jack o' lanterns using the assorted shapes given to me. On a side note, did everyone already know that the "diamond" shape is no longer used in the elementary classroom. It's now a "rhombus." Yeah, found out that little tidbit when I asked the students to glue the diamond onto the round, orange pumpkin face and they all politely and very graciously informed me that, "that's a rhombus, Mrs. W., not a diamond." Heck, I had t0 harken back to my 9th grade geometry class and try to pull that one up out of the archives of mathland to even remember what it was. And by the way, we're talking Kindergarten here. So not only did I completely insult the intelligence of the aforementioned Kindergarten students, but I have now pretty much insured that my son will be known as the one whose mom didn't know what a rhombus was. Perhaps I should get rid of my college savings account and replace it with the previosly mentioned therapy fund.

All that to say, I was innocently aiding each group of students as they came through my station and trying to engage them in typical Kindergarten conversation to try and erase the memory in their heads of being the "dummy mom."

"So, what are you going to be for Halloween this year? Oh, Tinkerbell, I bet you have a beautiful costume! "

"What's your favorite candy? Me too, I love that one!"

You get the picture. Costumes and candy, what two better topics to be discussing as I happily give each child their rhombus shapes. Which leads me to my second to last group of students...there I was feeling like super mom, I had conveniently compartmentalized the shape incident into the area I like to refer to as, silly mistakes that really don't prove anything section of my brain and was looking forward to spending some quality time with my son. Plus, I'm sure I was scoring some major brownie points with his teacher and showing other moms, how "in touch" I am with my children when a group of four students approached my station.

"How are you all doing today? Are you ready to learn about shapes and make some scary jack o' lantern faces?"

As I am finishing up my question, this tiny, cute, five year old girl looks up at me with these huge, innocent brown eyes surrounded by thick, black lashes and says in a quiet, demure little voice, "I know who you are. You're the mommy of the boy who wants to marry me!"

Yep, nuggets or wine? Went with the wine that night. Good thing too, because later in the week when I was at his soccer party, I discovered that he is also known as the kissing monster on his soccer team because apparently, he likes to go around kissing all of the girls on his team. Yeah, found that out from one of the other "soccer moms" as he tried to kiss her daugher at the pizza table.

What do you think, Merlot or Pinot?


  1. Thanks, any recommendations on a brand? I've recently discovered Fetzer and it's cheap and good.

  2. Thanks for the shout out! There's just something about boys, isn't there? Just know you're in good company. Oh, and I vote for Pinot!

  3. oh, darling, it doesn't stop...I highly recommend a boxed wine so you don't know how much you've consumed at a time :O) xox
