Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Hundred Dollar Target Challenge

I recently went to Target to purchase some Easter supplies. At the checkout, I was astounded to see the total that was rung up by the cashier. Out of some semblance of self-respect and just pure embarrassment, I will keep that number to myself. However, my husband was none to thrilled to hear the number. Let's just say, due to some husband pressure, I will be returning some items. Which in his mind is a good thing. Send my wife back to the very store from which she is apparently unable to spend less than a hundred dollars on any given visit. Which leads me to my challenge to wives, moms, heck just plain women everywhere.

Can you go to Target and spend less than a hundred dollars????

I find it almost impossible. Let me recreate the scene for you. I pull the minivan, yes minivan, because let's be realistic here, my days of two seater black convertible cars are like some distant memory from long ago. Anyway, I pull the minivan into the parking space and already I am getting excited. Maybe I'll find that really cool summer T-shirt I've been looking for or maybe that brown leather belt with the buckle that tells people everywhere that, "Hey, she's still cool, for a mom." Yes, I admit it, these thoughts are circling around my brain as I wave hi to the security guard that only works on the weekends at our local Target. Apparently, people only shoplift Friday to Sunday in our area. I grab my cart with the warm, friendly red colors that say, buy me, and head in to try and "return" some things to assuage my guilt over my most recent totals.
A jumbo pack of diapers, a loaf of bread, some cleaning supplies, random organizational items and some double AA batteries later (because let's be honest, kids burn through those things quicker than fruit snacks after lunch) and I have once again failed to stay under the hundred dollar limit. Yes, I admit it, I am a Targaholic. Yes, that's right, I said it, a Targaholic. It's my new word for being unable to stay under the hundred dollar limit. Women everywhere, come and confess, join my in my quest and gosh, darn it, if you can be successful, I and others like me will applaud you!!!
However, if you look at my items you can clearly see that I was not being selfish in my spending. Look at them, JUST LOOK AT THEM, I TRIED, I REALLY, REALLY TRIED!!!! Have you seen the cost of diapers recently????

I will say though, I reeeeaaaalllllllyyyy like my new belt...

1 comment:

  1. You should be a columnist, Jess. Too freagin' funny! :) But I will say that I think I've done it once! (I have to be honest though, I was in a huge rush!)
