Monday, April 13, 2009

"Mine and NO!"

These two words are undoubtedly my two least favorite words in the English language. Conversely, they are probably the boys two most favorite words in the English language, next to "mommmmmyyyyyyy."
Case in point:

Me: "Let's change your diaper."
Insert name of twin: "NO!"
Me: "Well, given that the smell eminating from your nether region is enough to take down Somali pirates off the coast of Africa, it's probably about that time."
Insert name of twin: "NO!"
Me: Let's try this from a different angle, "Would you like to eat worms dipped in oatmeal?"
Insert name of twin: "NO!"
Me: "How about some licorice and ice cream for breakfast?"
Insert name of twin: "NO!"

O.k., I get it. Apparently ice cream for breakfast is not on your agenda today which is probably a good thing. However, fighting with your brother over Scrabble pieces and which area rug to pull up today is. As evidenced by the reverberating, "MINE!" echoing throughout my house from dawn to dusk.

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